


European consortium launches DELYCIOUS research project to optimize the operation of renewable hydrogen production units

A consortium of eight European partners announces the launch of DELYCIOUS research project on 1 January, 2025. 



Fraunhofer and Korean Institute of Energy Research cooperate on hydrogen and renewable energies

Three Fraunhofer Institutes and the Korean Institute of Energy Research (KIER) want to intensify their exchange on hydrogen, photovoltaics and wind energy topics. To this end, a cooperation agreement was signed today in Halle (Saale). 



Fraunhofer IWES is setting new standards in onshore numerical site assessment in Namibia

Fraunhofer IWES is joining forces with ENERTRAG SE to assist in planning an expansive onshore wind farm as part of Hyphen’s green hydrogen project in Namibia. 



Scalable solutions for green hydrogen production in South Africa

South Africa could play an important role in the coming years as a reliable producer of green hydrogen — including as a supplier for Germany.  This is where the recently launched Fraunhofer joint research project »HySecunda« comes in.



Inauguration of the world’s first pilot plant for the cost-efficient production of green methanol

Today, Minister for Transport, Dr. Volker Wissing, opens the pilot plant at the Chemical Park in Leuna as part of the »Leuna100« project, which is funded by the BMDV with €10.4 million.



Green hydrogen from wind energy: Ready for trial operation

Senator Kristina Vogt and Lord Mayor of Bremerhaven Melf Grantz are launching trial operation at the Hydrogen Lab Bremerhaven (HLB) together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES. 



Online game brings green hydrogen research to life

Building an offshore wind park and generating green hydrogen directly at sea - a new browser game makes it possible to experience virtually what is currently being researched in the H2Mare Flagship Project.



Green methanol for shipping and industry: € 10.4 Mio. for the »Leuna100« project

A consortium of two Fraunhofer institutes, DBI-Gastechnologisches Institut Freiberg, Technical University of Berlin and C1 makes industrial history at the Leuna site. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport over the next three years.



Ground-breaking ceremony at Hydrogen Lab Bremerhaven: Focus on offshore hydrogen production

Bremerhaven – Senator Dr. Claudia Schilling and Lord Mayor Melf Grantz performed the symbolic ground-breaking for the Hydrogen Lab Bremerhaven (HLB). The HLB is being funded with a total of €16 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the State of Bremen and should be completed in 2023.



Green hydrogen: Hydrogen Lab Leuna opens in Leuna Chemical Park

More than €10 million have been invested in the construction of the Hydrogen Lab in Leuna. With it, Fraunhofer IWES is setting the course for future-oriented research for the production and use of green hydrogen in the chemical industry.


Accelerate market launch for green hydrogen

"Innovation is indisputably the driver for future economic production of large quantities of green hydrogen, as needed to achieve climate targets," says Sylvia Schattauer, acting director of Fraunhofer IWES. At the Handelsblatt Hydrogen Summit on June 8 and 9 in Essen, she will elaborate on how research and industry can achieve synergies together - and how IWES promotes the education and training of specialists.

(German only)


Electrolyzer-Certification: project start

Reducing uncertainties and risks in the industrialization of large-scale hydrogen projects - that is the declared goal of 18 industry and three research partners in a "Joint Industry Project" now launched under the leadership of DNV. A new certification scheme is to be developed, and best-practice experience from industry is to be taken into account. On the research side, the Fraunhofer Institutes IWES, IWU and IMWS are involved. DNV had successfully established a similar approach in the wind industry 30 years ago - and is now to be used as a model for the hydrogen economy. Other interested companies are welcome - please contact us by mid-April at:


Habeck doubles target for green hydrogen by 2030

In the opening statement on climate protection, Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck set the goal of initiating measures for the increased expansion of production capacity for green hydrogen in the near future. The new expansion target envisages 10 GW of electrolysis capacity in Germany.

Safe and efficient operation of electrolysers is essential for rapid expansion. The Fraunhofer IWES Hydrogen Labs contribute to the qualification and further development of electrolysers.